IMPORTANT: Currently some PayPal transactions are failing. If you are having problems with trying to purchase then please call customer care on 1300 369 888.
What is the CVV?
The CVV is a 3 or 4 digit code embossed or imprinted on the reverse side of Visa,
MasterCard cards and on the front of American Express cards.
Having trouble recharging by credit card? Try using PayPal!
Automated Phone
Recharge System
- 01 Call the Phone Recharge System on 1300 369 888
- 02 Have your phonecard PIN and serial number ready
- 03 Have your credit card details ready
- 04 Select option 1 on your handset when prompted and follow the simple self service instructions
Speak to
customer service
- 01 Call the customer service centre on 1300 369 888
- 02 Have your phonecard PIN and serial number ready
- 03 Have your credit card details ready
- 04 Select option 4 on your handset when prompted and follow the simple instructions